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Welcome to Old Barn Farm

Not just your everyday Produce Farm

Home: Welcome

Produce, Herbs, Flowers, Eggs & More

People Friendly Produce & Earth Friendly Practices


Here For You

Besides produce, herbs, flowers, plants and eggs we offer recipes, meal preparation, garden suggestions and other farm related tips.  Many are posted on Instagram.  We plan to continue hosting some farm events.  This past years Farm Tour, Seeding Event, and Photos at the Barn were successful.  Tentative events for upcoming season may include an art event "Paint the Old Barn", a "Wine Tasting at the Old Barn" event and a "Farm Fit" event incorporating exercise into farming and some type of Farm Tour.  More to come on that.


Seasonal Produce

Growing right now updated 4/21/2023:  Cilantro, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Chamomile,  Green & Red Kale, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Frilly Endive, Escarole, Grand Rapids Head Lettuce and Arugula.  And...plants for your spring garden or herb garden!!!  Free Range ungraded chicken eggs.  Email to check for availability.  Order for farm pick up with appointment or Saturdays at the market.  Deliveries made to some areas with large orders.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

We love our chickens and we allow them to have free range of our total property, so that means they're on on front porch, out by the garden and by the barn.  They're all over the place.  Right now their egg production has increased.  They love the spring and want to lay lots of eggs in hopes some of the girls will go broody and hatch many more baby chicks!     We have many beautiful and friendly breeds.   We have 5 Roosters and about 30 hens. When our hens no longer lay eggs they get to live out their life as our pets.  Our chickens/eggs are 100% free range during daylight hours.  Chickens eat home made porridge every morning, yea, that separates our eggs from the rest.  Eggs are ungraded.


Seasonal Produce

Growing right now updated 4/21/2023:  Cilantro, Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Chamomile,  Green & Red Kale, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Frilly Endive, Escarole, Grand Rapids Head Lettuce and Arugula.  Free Range ungraded chicken eggs.  Email to check for availability.  Order for farm pick up with appointment or Saturdays at the market.  Deliveries made to some areas with large orders.

Home: Services

Spring is here!!! There is so much to do.  Getting the beds ready.  Checking the soil, putting down compost & mulch. Right now is a time of preparation.  Garlic was planted in December and should be ready soon.  We're focusing on spring cool weather crops for the market, but getting the summer crops in the ground, now that the threat of freeze has subsided.  We are ready for our summer season and looking forward to new things for 2023.  I've completed my Food Safety course and am not certified.  You know how much I look to cook, but hopefully there may be more offerings.   Stay tuned, 2023 should be interesting.

Home: Inventory

We continue to take orders for seasonal veggies and herbs, eggs are hit and miss as their egg production has slowed due to reduced daylight hours.  Just send us a message if you'd like a farm pick up.


Produce available

Produce pictures coming soon


Customer Favorite


New Addition


Featured Item

Home: Inventory

Opening Hours

Pick up on our farm on Fridays or at the Union County Farmers Market (or Stallings location) on Saturdays or by order.  Contact us for seasonal produce and eggs anytime and we will prepare your order for pick.

Sat: 9am - 12pm at the Market or

at the Farm by Appointment

Home: Opening Hours

On the Farm

About Old Barn Farm

Old Barn Farm is a small produce farm located in Wesley Chapel close in to Charlotte. Originally from Long Island, but spending the past 30+ years in the Charlotte area, we’re a husband & wife team that moved out to the country to experience small farm life. We practice responsible and sustainable growing methods and treat our animals kindly. While always trying to maintain a healthy balance in our lives, we have found that farming is good for us both physically and mentally. The physical demands of farming provide a constant source of exercise and the mundane tasks like weeding or seeding provide mental calming. The produce we grow provides excellent nourishment to our bodies. As we age we continue to be aware of the need to maintain a good level of physical activity and you can be assured farming provides that! So we’re “Staying Farm Fit” and get to bring you healthy produce in the process.

Home: Gallery

About the Old Barn

We loved this property when we moved here in 2012.  The old barn has been a back drop for many photograph sessions, in fact, the day we moved in, there were people at the barn taking pictures.  Fall is particularly pretty, especially when you throw a haystack and pumpkin out front.  We did expand the barn slightly to accommodate our horses but otherwise we've kept it true to original.  This barn is alive, especially at dawn and dusk, feeding time.

Home: About

(980) 253-6502

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